
Guide Points to Becoming a High Achiever

Self-help books are prevalent in our society today, but are truly only of help if we actually apply them to your life. It requires action on our part. What are some guide points for spiritual growth?

When Do You Grow?

In a sermonette, Ryan Shallenberger discusses our growth - specifically when do we grow spiritually? Do we set aside time for spiritual growth? Do we do so daily, or only on the Sabbath?

Doubt, Is It A Sin Or An Opportunity?

We all have doubts. How is it that Moses, although he had doubts, was still considered one of the faithful listed in Hebrews 11? See how doubts are actually opportunities to grow spiritually in a way you may not have…

The Real Lessons of the 10 Bridesmaids

Discover the critically important lessons of Jesus' parable in Matthew 25 about the ten bridesmaids.

Insuring Spiritual Growth

The Holy Spirit was made available to the church at Pentecost for a purpose. In this sermon Mr. Smith shows that we need to grow spiritually in order to develop the mind of Christ. It is the mind of Christ…

Spiritual Growth

How would you like your spiritual life to grow by 10%? An overview of the themes and messages from the GCE.

Moving on to Perfection

Deacon David Cobb explains that whatever we believe our spiritual condition to be, we must continue to strive and move on to perfection, as if we have not yet achieved that perfection. He quotes Paul’s admonition to put away arrogance…

Four Stages of Development in Our Relationship with God

God expects us to grow and develop in our relationship with Him. What exactly does He want?

Steps to Achieving Spiritual Growth

This message discusses the topic of spiritual growth noting we must use or tools, practice and be patient in order to have spiritual growth.

Lessons Learned about Spiritual Growth from Physical Therapy

This message shares some lessons about the process of spiritual growth learned through the speakers experience with Physical Therapy after undergoing shoulder surgery.