
A Disciple Must Follow His Teacher in Everything

Excellent Bible Study on the book of Matthew chapter 10. Please join us for this interesting study on Matthew 10 and the 12 Apostles.

Biography of Nicodemus

look and see what lessons we can learn from the life of Nicodemus

Who Was Nicodemus?

The Bible mentions quite a few people about whom we know little. In this sermon, Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, provides a fascinating look at what we know about Nicodemus and what part he may…

Being a Teacher and a Leader

We all have the opportunity to be a teacher and a leader in various degrees. To be this we must first be taught and mentored. This will lead us to be leaders and teachers today and also in God's Kingdom.

What Is The Number One Goal of Our Calling ?

To show the role of a pastor & teacher and to show the main goal of our calling and to then give five principles or attributes on how to achieve the goal of our calling. To show how we can…

The Value of a Teacher

Teachers are the foundation of learning, but our example and guidance come from God. We need to ensure we learn to love God, to treat others with kindness, and to learn true wisdom from God.

Our Prayers for the Scattered Brethren

This message encourages us to pray for the brethren throughout the world.

Are You a Good Teacher

The calling to Christianity is not simply a calling to personal salvation. The demand placed on those called is to be able to teach their faith as well. You were called to be a great teacher of Christianity.
Green and red apple on chalkboard with books - To Teach or Not to Teach

To Teach or Not to Teach

The Teacher

The Teacher

Have you ever had an instructor who was so involved and encouraging that she was willing to give up her personal spare time to help and serve her students?