
What Makes Mom a Mom

We usually stop to think about mom on Mother's day. But have you ever stopped to think about what truly makes moms so special? In this message we exam 7 things that make mom, mom!

See We Do Nothing to Cause Our Brother to Stumble

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/2/2019 We each bring different life experiences to the Church of God and these differences can cause friction and difficulties within a congregation. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth looks at Paul's teaching to the church at Rome…

Go and Preach the Gospel

Our mission is “To Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in all the world, make disciples in all nations and care for those disciples.” We want to see many more in the Church of God…

The Time is Now

Career work has an ending. We all look forward to the time we can relax and enjoy retirement, but is that all there is to life? God's work is both physical and spiritual. We need to combine both of these…

A Heart of Teaching

Teach the ways of God with patience, enthusiasm, and encouragement as we are instructed in scripture.

Are You Using Your Super-Power?

Our destiny is to help Jesus Christ bring world peace – and to teach people God’s way of life. Are we automatically going to be ready and qualified to be priests, kings, and teachers, or is God using our time…

Why We Wear This Suit

We currently have physical, mortal bodies in which we learn how to build Godly character. In the Millennium as spirit beings, we will be able to draw on the experiences of our physical lives to teach others to fear God.

What is Doctrine and Why Is It Important?

Does it matter what we believe when it comes to God and His word? What if we are sincere in our beliefs, is sincerity all that matters? How does doctrine enter into the picture? Church doctrine is critically important to…

Called to be Teachers

Our calling is to be first fruits in the Kingdom of God, to be Kings and Priests to our Father in Heaven. Kings rule and Priests teach. At the return of Jesus Christ there will be a repentant class of…

Lessons from My Father

The United Church of God, IA, Statement of Beliefs represents the foundational basis of God's instruction to us.