
Do You Have a Scarcity or Abundance Mentality?

On this Sabbath, I would like to discuss the difference between having a scarcity mentality verses an abundance mentality. The first time I came to understand the profound difference between the two was reading a book many years ago by…

Lessons from the Second Great Commandment

Do you ever feel like you are worthless and everything you do is screwed up. Listen to discover how to get out of that way of thinking.

Stop and Think

Have you ever done something "without thinking"? Thinking is an art, and practice makes perfect.

What Are You Thinking?

"As a man thinks in his heart—so is he."

Most Dangerous

Julie Hrdlicka is credited with writing: "An empty mind is more dangerous than anything".

What in the World Was He Thinking?

This article poses questions that can take a lifetime to answer. But thinking about these questions is a key step in becoming like Christ.