
Thy Kingdom Come

A very deep sermonette on why we should pray so earnestly for the Kingdom of God to come and liberate this world from its own misery

Thy Kingdom Come

This phrase is in the sample prayer of Matthew 6. I will show it's importance for Christians.

The Last Days

Have we prayed Thy Kingdom Come? We look at the world conditions and realize there is much sorrow present. When will the end come when Christ returns? What did Jesus say about the end?

Thy Kingdom Come

When you ask our Father in heaven for His kingdom to come, what kingdom are you requesting, and how might your understanding of that request affect your growth as a Christian?

New Government, Same Problems

The United Kingdom's recent election brings some new faces to the political scene. They must tackle the challenges of running our country's infrastructure, of determining its role as a player on the world stage and of setting our tax levels...