
Is the Holy Spirit Called God?

Many believe that the account of Ananias and Sapphira recorded in Acts 5 is a proof that the Holy Spirit is called God. What does the bible really say? Can we say that the Holy Spirit is a being equal…

Consider God's Calling

Being called into the Church of God has/or will bring profound changes to our lives. The Bible study will review some very encouraging points to consider.

I Am the Truth

We live in an age of lies and deception. Truth is under attack as never before. People ask, "What is the Truth?" Will the real Truth please stand up!!

Pillar of Truth

The Church supports and maintains the truth; that's our job. Church members need to take the truth to heart and demonstrate it to people around them. Action points for this are: Know the truth, Love the truth, Speak the truth…

The Foundation Of Knowledge

Our nation formerly acknowledged God and His Word. That has changed dramatically in recent years without understanding God's warning of what that will result in.
Do you speak the truth in your words and teachings?

Are You a Carrier of Truth?

Be careful that you tell the truth consciously and that you don’t unknowingly mislead.

Truth, God's Way of Life

God does not lie. Godliness and truthfulness are intertwined. As this world draws further away from the truth, with misinformation and fake news propagating more and more, we should be reminded and comforted that God's way of life is truth.


In our world today the TRUTH is under attack. This is even happening in our Church. Man has a mind and each person has an opinion. This is by design and can be okay unless our opinion becomes a substitute…

Purity of the Truth

In discussing Ideas, Thoughts, and Concepts, the Apostle Paul gives us a command not to argue over our beliefs. In Rom 14 he tells us to "have our faith unto God". This sermon addresses this admonition, as well as a…

Purity of the Truth

We live in a world where the concept of Truth is subjective, where Truth is relevant to the eye of the beholder. God's Truth, however, is absolute. This sermon addresses the 2 Great Convicting Agents to the Truth of God…