
Is Your Bible Shrinking?

Scripture is written in a way that God's purpose for mankind is clouded to those who do not study His word. It is only with the help of God's Spirit that we come to understand His great purpose for humanity.
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How to Have a Successful Bible Study: Part 3

The most crucial part of a successful Bible study happens before we even open our Bibles.

Let Us Reason Together

Our God wants us to be educated in His way and know the reasons why He asks us to follow His commands. He also expects us to pass on the knowledge and understanding He gives us to the next generations.

Can We Teach It?

Are we able to teach the doctrines of the church? Are we babes in Christ of well matured? The kings of Israel were required to write a copy of the law for their understanding and guidance. How much of the…

We Are Called to the Ministry of Reconciliation

Each of us as Christians, have been placed in a community of encouragers - the Church. Here are spiritual tools to aid in your service to God's people.
An Equation for Understanding: Knowledge + Experience = Understanding

An Equation for Understanding

Okay, don’t get freaked out. This isn’t an article on math. But math and other subjects in our lives can be guided by this formula. Thomas Edison used this formula to help guide him toward some of his greatest inventions.