
Improving Bible Study

Communication is one of the fundamentals in developing a relationship with God. Studying God’s Word serves as a vital part of that communication process. Yet, as with any relationship, we can falter in this process and as a result our…

You CAN get there from here

Although we must all go through the same basic process - repentance, baptism, the laying on of hands and the receiving of the Holy Spirit - how we all get to that point can be very different. In this message…

Understanding the Words of God

God reminds us that His words are spirit and they are life. That should really make us consider whether we are growing in our understanding of the scriptures. This sermon offers six points in how to better understand the bible.

Relationships: Seek First to Understand

Our relationship with God, our spouses, our children, and each other are of paramount importance to God and us. He is interested in how we treat each other and said that all men will know His disciples by the love…

Your Eyes Can Deceive You, Do Not Trust Them

Many times we may think we see something and make judgments on what we thought we saw. We must be careful about making judgments of things that we see. Many times things are much different that what they appear to…

All Things to All Men

In order to effectively reach out and communicate with people, we need to first understand their culture and find a way to connect that they'll understand. The apostle Paul did this, and we must as well.