
The Plain Truth About Wine

God created wine to be a blessing to all mankind. Great Wine, like Great Music, Inspires Great Thoughts... How does wine fit in with both aspects of the Feast of Trumpets?? Both the Shouting for Joy, and The Sound of…

Prepare the Passover

When Christ gave the command to His disciples to 'Prepare the Passover,' what did that mean to them? What did it mean to Him? Let's look at this command and the likely two different mindsets going into that evening. One…

God's Feasts: Five Questions For Passover Preparation

As we begin (or continue) our spiritual preparation for the Passover, there are certain areas that we need to consider. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford, GA, congregations, discusses five (5) key areas that should…

Our Passover Examination

Every year before observing the Passover we are instructed to examine ourselves. However, in order to do this properly we should have a basic understanding of why we do this, what we are to examine for, and how to go…

C2H6O--Yes or No?

Some use scripture to condemn the use of alcohol in our lives. Others use scriptures as license to abuse it. Where is the balance?

Is Wine Allowed in the Bible?

Many religions profess man-made traditions that are not in the Bible. One of those is not allowing wine? What does the Bible say about this topic? Are we allowed to have wine in moderation?

The Pressures of Temple Work

As preparation for the Fall Holy Days, we review the important work expected of first-fruits, and the immense pressures we must overcome during our time of judgement.
The observances of these festivals tell us that real permanent change is possible! Jesus Christ expects a transformation in our lives.

The Passover Festival Season

We should all perennially ask the question, Has the death of Jesus Christ made a real difference to me? Is my life really transformed? When I observe the feast of Unleavened Bread, year after year, does it have an impact...

The Nazarite Vow

Either man or woman could take the vow. They were to keep and separate themselves from wine and strong drink. They could not drink vinegar of wine or even eat moist grapes, or raisons. No razor came upon their heads…
Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 15

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 15