
Half Truth: All Lie

Are you tired of "fake news"? Do you find yourself constantly evaluating others to see if they are telling the truth? We'll explore the command not to bear false witness, as well as examine what sort of witness we are…

Witnessing for God and Christ

What is a witness and what does Christ teach about being a witness? What are the attributes of a credible witness? How do we prepare ourselves to be a witness for God and Jesus Christ? What is the most effective…

Proofs of the Resurrection of Christ

Were the witnesses at Christ's resurrection reliable? Let us find out in this sermon.

Talking About God With Others

A few tips and observations about talking about God with people with differing beliefs.

Descend Down the Mountain

Christ preached the Gospel to His disciples and sent them out to preach. In this sermonette message, Stephen Kusi discusses the responsibility that was given to them and how it applies to His disciples today.

Could We Testify?

If God called on you to testify on His Son's behalf, could we do it? A look at the four witnesses of Jesus Christ in John 5:31-46.

Journey Through the Bible

Hear about the greatest archeological finds that confirm the Bible.

Living in a Post-Truth World

In the current political climate you may have heard of something called fake news, which is another term for yellow journalism, where information is fabricated or selectively quoted to lead the reader, listener, or viewer to an incorrect conclusion or…

Are We Ashamed of God?

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (1Tim 2:15)

By the Word of Their Testimony

We are study God's Word and to understand who the true Jesus Christ is so that we may be true witnesses to our God.