World Regions

"So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city" (Genesis 11:8).

Long ago, an ancient civilization revolted against God, gathering together and attempting to build a tower to the heavens. In response, God divided their languages and caused them to scatter across the globe. Now, millennia later, each world region has its own unique history...and shared future. Find out more below, or focus on a specific region with the links on the right.

European Union

The EU

In the devastated aftermath of World War II, it seemed unimaginable that Europe could rise again. Many venerable cities had been bombed into rubble. The dead were counted in the tens of millions. Old institutions and organizations ceased to exist.
A hand grabbing another person's hand - helping.

Is there any real GOOD in a natural disaster?

Soldiers boarding an airplane.

America's Military Decline

Ambitious and expensive government programs seriously endanger America's economic stability and add to the nation's already gargantuan national debt. The inevitable downside seems to be massive cuts in military spending. Where is this disturbing trend taking a troubled nation?

Current Events & Trends

The vast majority of commentators decried the government shutdown and warned of dire consequences.

Current Events & Trends

The Jewish Chronicle stated in a front-page article, "Angela Merkel's historic third election victory was warmly greeted by European leaders this week" (Simon Rocker, "Board Welcomes Angela Merkel," Sept. 24, 2013).

Current Events & Trends

Bloomberg Businessweek published an article by Peter Beinart, a Daily Beast columnist and university professor, that originally appeared online with the title "Obama Should Give Peace a Chance With Iran" (Sept. 19, 2013).

Current Events & Trends

Over a very short time Western intervention in Syria seemed to be coming at a fast pace.
Photo of Edward Snowden

The Humiliation of America and What It Means for You

America is in trouble. For all its vaunted power, it has experienced grave challenges in dealing with a 30-year-old computer consultant who, following his conscience, deliberately leaked critical classified information.
The American Military: A Testing Ground for Social Change

The American Military

Not only is America's military being gutted financially, it is also being seriously compromised as an effective fighting force by those using it as a testing ground for such social-engineering movements as feminism, the gay agenda and political correctness. In...
Cuts in Defense Spending: Australia, Britain and Canada

Cuts in Defense Spending

America isn't alone in its military cutbacks and withdrawal from its role as the world's policeman. Its allies are following the same path, with dangerous implications for the free world.