Anna Keichline, one of the first female architects

The Master Architect

Anna Keichline was among the first women to enter the architectural profession. While she and other successful architects deserve respect for their work, boundless honor belongs to the Master Architect of all things!

Follow Me

What can a letter to a slave owner about his runaway slave teach us about healing broken relationships? The answer is that it can teach us a great deal!
A young pair of hands comforting an elderly hand.

In Everything, Give Thanks

Even at our worst moments, there is something to be thankful for.
An old looking Bible.

The Sabbath in History and Prophecy

Learn the inspiring story of a group of people who found—just by reading the Bible—that they must keep the seventh-day Sabbath.
Ultrasound of baby in the womb.

Abortion and Planned Parenthood

America’s abortion debate is a window on one of the country’s deepest spiritual crises. When we see injustice, brutality and sin on this scale, we rightly get angry at the evil. How can we ensure we’re experiencing godly, righteous anger...
Sunset over a field of flowers.

Jesus Christ

As Christians, we know Jesus is our Savior and perfect example. Should we observe the Sabbath day like He did?
Ancient Roman silver disk depicts Sol Invictus

Wait! You Just Said

You probably realize Christ was not born on December 25, and you may not think it’s important. But it really does matter. And it really is important that you not celebrate that day as His birthday!
Sunset over a rocky beach.


The Eternal God has designed and planned an amazing future civilization for you and all people. Discover when it will come, what it will be like and why it’s the best news you could ever hear!
Surface fire at St. Louis West Lake landfill in 2014.

Current Events & Trends

Nuclear bombs as weapons of mass destruction are front and center in public attention once more with the Iranian nuclear agreement, North Korea’s much-publicized nuclear program and the ever-present threat of black market and secret proliferation to extremist groups.
Letters from readers of the Beyond Today magazine.

Letters From Our Readers

Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the November/December 2015 issue.