World News and Prophecy

World News and Prophecy was published from 1998 to 2011 by the United Church of God. It was created to look at world events from a Biblical perspective and give insight on what is happening in the world. If you're interested in these back issues, you should also check out the World News and Prophecy section of the Beyond Today magazine.


Foiled Terror Plot

A musician from Massachussetts or radical Islamist?

Euro-Skepticism Growing in Britain

More in Britain are beginning to view the European Union with a more critical eye.
Syria's Assad Threatens to Rain Missiles on Tel Aviv

Syria's Assad Threatens to Rain Missiles on Tel Aviv

Bashar al-Assad tightens his grip on his power, threatening attacks on Israel if outside intervention is taken to stop him.
Even So, Come Lord Jesus!

This is the Way Walk in It

Looking back over 13 years of "This is the Way" columns.
Currency Wars Precursor to Trade Wars

Currency Wars

A stunning move by the Swiss National Bank in September signals the opening round of a currency war as Switzerland sets exchange limits to protect its domestic economy. What are the ultimate repercussions of such actions?
The Eurozone Debt Crisis: Calamity Still Looms

The Eurozone Debt Crisis

Ardent EU supporters promote a best-case scenario, the debt crisis concluding with diminished consequences. Others lay out worst-case scenarios, such as Britain’s Daniel Hannan in his October 2011 Standpoint article “The End of Europe’s Fantasy Is Now in Sight.” Whatever...


For World News and Prophecy's final Restoration column, a summary of all things WNP.
Israel's Growing Isolation: Where Will It Lead?

Israel's Growing Isolation

For the first time in its history, Israel finds itself without a single dependable friend in the Middle East. For decades, it maintained a cold peace with Egypt and a warm one with Turkey, but both have evaporated recently. What...
Magazine Issue

World News and Prophecy: November - December 2011

"To All Who Love His Appearing"

This Is the Way Walk in It

Nearly 2,000 years ago, people traversed the paths of the known world at great risk telling a story that had changed their lives and that they hoped would change the lives of others.