Beyond Today Bible Commentary: 1 Kings

Undoubtedly, all of David's existing wives were too old themselves to provide the type of 'round-the-clock nursing care that Abishag was able to provide as David lay suffering from lack of body heat. "Using a healthy person's body warmth to care for a sick person is a medical procedure noted by the second-century Greek physician Galen and the Jewish historian Josephus" (Nelson Study Bible, note on verses 1-3). Abishag was a Shunammite, making her from the town of Shunem—probably the same town, in the territory of Issachar (Joshua 19:18), at which the Philistines gathered before they attacked and killed Saul (1 Samuel 28:4). That would also be the town of the family the prophet Elisha later stayed with frequently during his ministry (2 Kings 4:8).

Table of Contents

2 minutes
David's parting words
5 minutes
The ark and glory enter, Solomon's speech
3 minutes
Rehoboam loses the northern tribes to Jeroboam
1 minute
Ethiopian army vanquished, Asa's reforms
2 minutes
Drought ends, Elijah flees from Jezebel, God meets him at Mount Sinai, Elisha follows Elijah
2 minutes
Punishment on Adonijah, Abiathar, Joab and Shimei
3 minutes
Solomon's prayer of dedication
5 minutes
Jeroboam's idolatry
1 minute
Asa's treaty with Syria against Baasha, messages from Hanani to Asa and Baasha
1 minute
Ahab defeats the Syrians
4 minutes
Solomon requests wisdom
1 minute
Temple dedication completed
2 minutes
Man of God's message and death
1 minute
Asa's treaty with Syria against Baasha, messages from Hanani to Asa and Baasha
2 minutes
Ahab defeats the Syrians again, makes treaty with Ben-Hadad
2 minutes
Solomon's government
1 minute
God appears to Solomon a second time
3 minutes
Ahijah prophesies judgment on Jeroboam, Reho-boam fortifies his kingdom, family of Rehoboam
2 minutes
Elah, Zimri, Omri and Ahab, kings of Israel, disease and death of Asa
2 minutes
Naboth murdered for his vineyard
2 minutes
Agreement with Hiram for temple construction
1 minute
Gift exchange between Solomon and Hiram, Solomon's other works
1 minute
Reign of Rehoboam, Egypt attacks Judah
1 minute
Elah, Zimri, Omri and Ahab, kings of Israel, disease and death of Asa
3 minutes
Micaiah's warning
5 minutes
Solomon builds the temple
3 minutes
The Queen of Sheba praises Solomon's wisdom, Solomon's wealth and economic power
2 minutes
Abijam king of Judah
1 minute
Jehoshaphat king of Judah
1 minute
Death of Ahab, Ahaziah king of Israel, Jehoshaphat rebuked, Jehoshaphat's reforms
2 minutes
Adonijah presumes himself the next king
5 minutes
Solomon's other buildings, Huram, bronze pillars
3 minutes
Solomon turns from God, adversaries raised up
1 minute
Asa king of Judah, death of Jeroboam, Asa's reign, Nadab and Baasha, kings of Israel
3 minutes
Elijah proclaims drought, Elijah and the widow
1 minute
Jehoshaphat allies with Ahaziah, judgment on Ahaziah
1 minute
Solomon installed as co-regent
2 minutes
Temple furnishings
3 minutes
Initial rebellion of Jeroboam, Ahijah's prophecy to Jeroboam, death of Solomon
1 minute
Asa king of Judah, death of Jeroboam, Asa’s reign, Nadab and Baasha, kings of Israel
3 minutes
Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal
3 minutes
Death of Jehoshaphat, rule of Jehoram over Judah