Beyond Today Bible Commentary: 2 Samuel

The book of 2 Samuel spans the 40-year reign of King David, which begins as the book opens.

Table of Contents

4 minutes
Joab murders Abner, murder of Ishbosheth
1 minute
God keeps promises, tabernacle ministry left to continue, David returns home to Michal's scorn
5 minutes
Absalom's rebellion, David flees, God will help
1 minute
David's last words, the death of David
4 minutes
David made king of all Israel, David's forces at Hebron
5 minutes
Davidic covenant, David gives thanks
4 minutes
Counsel of Ahithophel versus Hushai
5 minutes
Conquest of Jerusalem, chiefs of David's mighty men, drink from the well of Bethlehem
2 minutes
David extends kingdom, exalts Mephibosheth
3 minutes
Defeat and death of Absalom, David mourns
1 minute
Conquest of Jerusalem, chiefs of David's mighty men, drink from the well of Bethlehem
8 minutes
Defeating enemy coalition, prayer for national restoration, plea for deliverance from coalition
3 minutes
David restored as king
1 minute
More deeds of David's mighty men
8 minutes
David, Bathsheba and Uriah
2 minutes
Rebellion of Sheba
5 minutes
Attempt to move ark and Uzzah stricken
7 minutes
Nathan's parable and David's repentance, his child dies, Solomon born, Rabbah conquered
3 minutes
Gibeonites avenged, Philistine giants destroyed
2 minutes
Family of David, Abner defects to David
1 minute
David established in Jerusalem, more sons, Philistines defeated, praising answered prayer
6 minutes
Amnon rapes Tamar, Absalom murders Amnon
1 minute
David's psalm of praise for God's deliverance
4 minutes
David laments Saul and Jonathan, David king of Judah, Ishbosheth king of Israel, war between them
1 minute
Ark brought to Jerusalem
5 minutes
Absalom returns from exile, David forgives him
4 minutes
David numbers Israel