Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Daniel

Continuing on from the previous section of commentary regarding the Babylonian victory at Carchemish and the southward flight of the Egyptian forces, "the Old Testament suggests that Nebuchadnezzar followed them as far south as Egypt [pushing them out of Syria and Judah] and that he forced Jerusalem to pay tribute and yield prisoners, including Daniel the prophet. [The kingdom of Judah was thereby taken from Egypt and incorporated into the Babylonian Empire].... All this took place in a matter of a few weeks, for by August 15, 605, Nabopolassar had [unexpectedly] died and Nebuchadnezzar had to return at once to Babylon [to secure his succession]. As the author of Kings indicates, Jehoiakim remained a loyal subject to the Babylonians for the next three years (605-602)" (Eugene Merrill, Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel,1987, pp. 450-451).

Table of Contents

9 minutes
Daniel and the lion's den
1 minute
Nebuchadnezzar invades Judah and makes Jehoiakim his vassal, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah taken to Babylon
12 minutes
Vision of the glorious man, angelic confrontation, kings of North and South prophecy (Persia, Greece and successors)
8 minutes
Daniel and his friends complete their training, Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel and his friends promoted
1 minute
Kings of North and South prophecy continued
10 minutes
Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace
5 minutes
Kings of North and South prophecy continued, end-time trouble and resurrection
9 minutes
Nebuchadnezzar's second dream, his seven-year madness and restoration
15 minutes
Daniel's vision of four beasts and the Ancient of Days
12 minutes
Vision of the ram and the he-goat
19 minutes
Belshazzar's feast, the handwriting on the wall and the fall of Babylon
17 minutes
Daniel prays for his people, the 70-weeks prophecy