Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Deuteronomy

By the time Moses addresses the messages contained in the book of Deuteronomy to the new generation of Israelites, he is 120 years old. The Hebrew name for the book, Haddebharim,means "The Words," derived from the first verse, which reads, "These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel...." The Jews have also referred to this book as Mishneh Hattorah, “The Repetition of the Law," taken from Deuteronomy 17:18, which uses a phrase that the New King James Version translates as "a copy of this law." The Greek Septuagint translation rendered this as To Deuteronomion Touto, that is, "This Second Law," from which we have the English title, Deuteronomy.

Table of Contents

4 minutes
A chosen people, obedience to be rewarded
2 minutes
Year of release, the poor, freeing slaves, firstborn animals
5 minutes
Laws of congregational acceptance, miscellaneous laws
2 minutes
Joshua now leader, law to be read every seven years, writing the Song of Moses and placement of the Book of the Law
3 minutes
Be careful to not forget God
3 minutes
Early spring, late spring, and fall Festivals, Holy Day offerings
5 minutes
Law of divorce, various laws
3 minutes
The Song of Moses
5 minutes
Israel's refusal to obey God's prior command to enter Canaan
2 minutes
Review of Israel's rebellions
4 minutes
Administration of justice, rules concerning kings
2 minutes
Levirite marriage, other laws, must later destroy the Amalekites
2 minutes
Moses ordered to Mount Nebo, prophetic blessings on the tribes
2 minutes
Years of wandering in the wilderness, defeat of King Sihon
2 minutes
The second set of tablets, God requires obedience for our good
2 minutes
Levitical portion, no occultism, the Prophet and false prophets
2 minutes
Firstfruits, third tithe, God's special people
3 minutes
The death of Moses
1 minute
Og's defeat, east of the Jordan, Moses forbidden to enter land
3 minutes
Blessing for obedience and curse for disobedience
3 minutes
Cities of refuge, law concerning witnesses
3 minutes
Law to be inscribed on stone walls, curses from Mount Ebal
4 minutes
Moses exhorts obedience, cities of refuge east of Jordan
3 minutes
Specific place for worship, no pagan customs in worshiping God
3 minutes
Laws of warfare
3 minutes
Blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience
3 minutes
Review of God's commandments and the people's reaction
2 minutes
Punishment for attempting to entice others into idolatry
5 minutes
Unsolved murder, women captives, birthright, rebellious sons
2 minutes
God's covenant with Israel in Moab
7 minutes
The great commandment, teach law to children, don't disobey
6 minutes
No pagan rituals, clean and unclean meat, second and third tithe
11 minutes
Various laws, sexual morality laws
2 minutes
Restoration of Israel, choice of life or death