Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Ecclesiastes

In the arrangement of the Hebrew Bible, Ecclesiastes is the last poetic and wisdom book within the Writings division of the Old Testament. It has been placed there as the fourth of the five Megilloth (“Scrolls,” i.e., festival scrolls), each of which is read during a different sacred occasion. In Jewish tradition, Ecclesiastes is read on the Sabbath during the Feast of Tabernacles.

Table of Contents

17 minutes
Problems of injustice, oppression and self-focused toil
12 minutes
None can comprehend God’s work in everyone’s lives, the righteous and wicked having similar experiences
15 minutes
Wisdom gathered yet from God, keep focus on what He has revealed
8 minutes
Wealth and labor are no benefit of themselves
29 minutes
This physical life will end, so live joyfully now and do whatever you do with all your might
34 minutes
Conclusion: fear and obey God, mindful of judgment
30 minutes
Introduction to Ecclesiastes
10 minutes
Wealth and labor are no benefit of themselves
19 minutes
Live boldly yet wisely amid life’s uncertainties, avoiding sin and folly
9 minutes
Vanity of vanities—things come and go
8 minutes
Rejoice through God
28 minutes
Deal wisely in matters of government and powerful people, be careful in any given task
11 minutes
The vanity of human wisdom, pleasure and toil
12 minutes
Prosperity is not always best
19 minutes
Diversify efforts as a hedge against calamity, and don’t wait for perfect conditions before acting
4 minutes
Outcome for the wise and fool, wisdom and enjoyment through God
21 minutes
Adversity is not always worst
20 minutes
Temper enjoyment of the present with reflection on coming dark days and divine judgment
9 minutes
Wisdom and enjoyment through God
18 minutes
People are not innocent (deserving freedom from adversity)
33 minutes
Remember God in youth before old age and death
16 minutes
A time and season for every purpose under heaven
14 minutes
Benefits of wisdom, respecting government and fearing God, enjoyment through God commended
12 minutes
Initial summation: vanity of vanities