Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Exodus

“Exodus is the record of Israel’s birth as a nation,” says The New Open Bible (introductory notes to Exodus). “The Hebrew title, We’elleh Shemoth, ‘Now These Are the Names,’ comes from the first phrase in 1:1. Exodus begins with ‘Now’ to show it as a continuation of Genesis. The Greek title is Exodus, a word meaning exit, departure or going out. The Septuagint [Greek translation of the Old Testament] uses this word to describe the book by its key event (see 19:1, ‘gone out’)” (1990). Though a nation of slaves, Israel will leave Egypt victorious to meet their God in the wilderness.

Table of Contents

5 minutes
Passover, Unleavened Bread, the exodus and the firstborn
3 minutes
Judgments concerning servants, violence, and animals
2 minutes
Incense altar, ransom money, laver, holy oil, incense
2 minutes
Making the priestly garments
4 minutes
Crossing the Red Sea
2 minutes
Judgments concerning property and immorality
3 minutes
Artisans for the tabernacle, Sabbath a sign forever
2 minutes
Tabernacle set up, covered by cloud and filled with God's glory
5 minutes
The burning bush and Moses' commission
3 minutes
Song of Moses, bitter water made sweet
2 minutes
Justice, Land Sabbaths, Feasts, the Promised Land
4 minutes
The golden calf
9 minutes
Enslavement of Israel in Egypt, Moses "drawn out"
4 minutes
Manna and the test commandment
2 minutes
Israel affirms covenant, elders dine before God
3 minutes
Commandment to leave Sinai, Moses asks to see God's glory
3 minutes
Moses confronts Pharoah, God reiterates His promise
3 minutes
Water from the rock, battle with the Amalekites
3 minutes
Plans for the tabernacle
5 minutes
New tablets, covenant relationship renewed, Moses' face shines
4 minutes
Aaron's rod, ten plagues on Egypt begin
2 minutes
Jethro's advice
2 minutes
More plans for the tabernacle
2 minutes
Sabbath regulations, offerings for the tabernacle, artisans called
5 minutes
Still more plagues
4 minutes
Israel arrives at Mount Sinai
4 minutes
Garments for the priesthood
2 minutes
The people bring more than enough, constructing the tabernacle
4 minutes
Darkness and warning of the final plague
3 minutes
Ten Commandments spoken
2 minutes
Aaron and sons consecrated, daily offerings
3 minutes
Accoutrements for the tabernacle, total materials