Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Joel

In its introductory notes on this prophecy, The Nelson Study Bible states: "Scholars have offered various dates for the writing of the Book of Joel, from early preexilic times [that is, before the exile of Judah to Babylon] to as late as 350 b.c. Some believe that internal evidence in the Book of Joel indicates that the book was written during the reign of Joash king of Judah (835-796 b.c.), and in the time of the high priest Jehoiada. This view is based on the following considerations: (1) The location of the book between Hosea and Amos in the Hebrew canon suggests a preexilic date of writing. (2) The allusion to the neighboring nations as Judah's foes rather than Assyria, Babylon, or Persia points to an early date for the book. (3) The book does not mention any reigning king, which may suggest a time when the responsibility for ruling rested upon the priests and elders—as was the case during the early reign of young king Joash (see 2 Kings 11:4-21, w Kings 12:1-21)." This dating seems reasonable.

Table of Contents

4 minutes
Destruction of the land prophesied
5 minutes
Day of the Lord, call for repentance, renewal of land, pouring out of God's Spirit
5 minutes
God deals with the nations and rescues Israel