Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Nehemiah

As explained in the Beyond Today Bible Commentary introductory comments on Ezra and Nehemiah, the book of Nehemiah is evidently a continuation of the book of Ezra. While Ezra is traditionally reckoned as the compiler of both sections, several parts of the section now referred to as Nehemiah were evidently written by Nehemiah himself. This is the case with Nehemiah 1:1-7:5.

Table of Contents

5 minutes
Plot against Nehemiah, completion of the wall
8 minutes
Nehemiah's second-term reforms
2 minutes
Idea for a new census, list of the first return
1 minute
Listing of those in the first Jewish return from exile
7 minutes
Ezra reads the law during the fall feasts
4 minutes
Nehemiah fasts and prays for the Jews of Judea
4 minutes
National confession and repentance
10 minutes
Nehemiah sent to rebuild Jerusalem
5 minutes
Covenant to obey God and support His house
3 minutes
Organization of the work of rebuilding the wall
2 minutes
Residents of Jerusalem and outlying areas
4 minutes
Enemy attack plan leads to new security measures
5 minutes
Dedication of the wall, levitical duties, separation from foreigners
7 minutes
Nehemiah deals with exploitation, Nehemiah's generosity
2 minutes
Listing of leaders of the priests and Levites