Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Ruth

The book of Ruth chronologically overlaps the book of Judges. And, although not stated in the biblical text, Talmudic tradition names the same author for both—the prophet Samuel. But unlike the book of Judges, Ruth is not part of the second major division of the Old Testament, known as the Prophets. Instead, it actually belongs among the third division, the Writings (known in Greek as the Hagiographa, meaning "Sacred Writings," and sometimes referred to as the "Psalms," as the book of Psalms is the first book of the Writings in order of arrangement and makes up the largest portion of this section). The Beyond Today Bible Commentary covers some material from the Writings in commentary regarding the Prophets when that material has a clear timeliness and helps to further elucidate the historical material in the Prophets. Ruth does just that, giving more details about the period of the judges and providing an important link in the family of Judah, from which the kings of Israel will eventually spring.

Table of Contents

11 minutes
Elimelech's family moves to Moab, Ruth returns with Naomi
4 minutes
Boaz meets Ruth in his fields
7 minutes
Ruth's appeal to Boaz
6 minutes
Boaz redeems Naomi's property and marries Ruth