Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Zechariah

Ezra 4:24-5:2 says that in the second year of the Persian king Darius, the Judean governor Zerubbabel and the high priest Jeshua or Joshua recommenced the work on the second temple in response to the preaching of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. Haggai 1:14-15 tells us that the work was resumed on the 24th day of the sixth month (corresponding to September 22, 520 B.C.). Yet the first message of the book of Zechariah is dated to the eighth month of the same year (late October to late November)—one to two months after the work's resumption. Evidently Zechariah preached with Haggai prior to the 24th day of the sixth month but didn't receive the message from God that begins his book until the eighth month. In other words, Zechariah's ministry began prior to the writing of his book.

Table of Contents

7 minutes
Call to repentance
8 minutes
Prophecy against Judah's neighbors, the Messiah's two comings
9 minutes
Visions of the horses among the myrtle trees and the four horns and skilled workmen
4 minutes
God will save and restore Israel and Judah
5 minutes
Vision of the measuring of Jerusalem
11 minutes
Desolation of Israel, false shepherds, 30 pieces of silver
12 minutes
Vision concerning Joshua the high priest and the coming Branch
10 minutes
Future siege of Jerusalem, Judah to devour surrounding peoples and be saved, mourning for the One they pierced
16 minutes
Vision of the golden menorah and olive trees
11 minutes
End of idolatry, shepherd stricken and sheep scattered
9 minutes
Visions of the flying scroll and the ephah carried to Shinar
13 minutes
The Lord destroys His enemies and rules over all the earth, all nations to observe the Feast of Tabernacles
13 minutes
Vision of the four chariots and the crowning of Joshua
10 minutes
The question of the extra fasts, restoration of Israel and Judah, fasts of mourning turned to joy