Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Zephaniah

The prophet Zephaniah prophesied during the days of King Josiah. We have no knowledge of his background except for what is given in verse 1 regarding his lineage. He was a fourth-generation descendant of Hezekiah. Most sources believe this refers to Hezekiah the king, which would make him a cousin of Josiah, though others correctly maintain that we can't know for sure. In favor, however, is the fact that his lineage is traced back four generations. Commentator Charles Feinberg remarks, "No other prophet has his pedigree carried back so far" (The Minor Prophets,1990, p. 221). Thus, the Hezekiah mentioned would seem to be someone of distinction.

Table of Contents

6 minutes
Day of the Lord
5 minutes
The meek hidden, nations to be judged, God's rebellious people punished, a remnant to be saved