God's Word reveals the true values by which we must live if we are to solve our massive relationship problems and the other seemingly insoluble dilemmas that threaten to overwhelm us.

Lesson Content

Beyond the basic material knowledge we need for survival, each of us needs spiritual understanding and insight into that special knowledge revealed only by God Himself.
David was a remarkable leader and skilled organizer.
History shows that through the centuries various people have tried to destroy the Word of God. Early in the sixth century B.C., one who literally "destroyed" the Word of God and paid dearly for his arrogance was Jehoiakim, king of Judah.
In today's world, there is massive ignorance about what the Bible actually says.
The books written by King Solomon are part of the Writings section of the Hebrew Bible.
A brief summary of definitions for words used in this lesson.
Many modern Christians are decidedly uncomfortable with the reality of Satan and the biblical accounts of Jesus Christ's encounters with deranged spirits, which the Bible calls demons. But sooner or later we have to come to terms with the truthfulness of Christ's personal witness.
Which skilled author did God use to complete the Old Testament Scriptures?
Jesus Christ said that God's Word is truth (John 17:17).
Knowledge not built upon God's Word - the Bible - will ultimately fail and disappear.
Ezra was "a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses" (Ezra 7:6).
These questions are intended as a study aid, to spur further thought on the concepts discussed in this lesson and to help you apply them on a personal level. We suggest you take the time to write your answers to these questions and compare them to the scriptures given.
The Bible is composed of written material presented in two sections, traditionally labeled the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are known as the major prophets and wrote the books that bear their names (along with occasional assistance from personal scribes).
Test your knowledge from what you learned in Lesson 2 - The Word of God: The Foundation of Knowledge.
These two parts of God's Word join seamlessly to provide God's complete revelation to mankind. Even though the period between the testaments was more than 400 years, the writings of the Hebrew prophets precede the apostolic writings in a manner that emphasizes their basic unity.
What prophet is mentioned directly by Jesus Christ in His Olivet Prophecy?
God's Word reveals the true values by which we must live if we are to solve our massive relationship problems and the other seemingly insoluble dilemmas that threaten to overwhelm us.
Men and women were created "in the image of God" (Genesis 1:27). Within these words is an indication of the astonishing plan, purpose and relationship He desires with all humanity. Imagine all the abilities and potentialities that being created in God's image confers on us—all the duties and responsibilities, all the magnificence and varied gifts to be used in His service.
Comprehending the true role of the first-century apostles is fundamental to a correct understanding of the New Testament.
The inspired Word of God stands as the solid source of all right knowledge.
In writing His Word for humanity, God used people from all social levels and walks of life: kings, prophets, priests, scribes, tax collectors, herdsmen, fishermen. Though God inspired them all, He used their own natural human personalities to help convey His message. Their background stories make for fascinating reading. It is surprising how much the Bible itself reveals about how it came to be put together through God using human instruments.
God's Word is the foundation of knowledge.