Course Content

Is there a reason why you exist? In this Bible Study Lesson, you will find answers to why you were born and what your future will be.

Lesson Content

The image of God can be renewed in human beings only through the living presence of Jesus Christ in their lives.
Our modern civilization is ill-suited to meet the deep-seated spiritual needs of its inhabitants.
God is a God of mercy. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked and often delays His judgments in the hope of repentance.
Salvation in God's Kingdom is the ultimate purpose of your life.
What does it really mean to be human?
The Bible clearly show that Jesus will return here to earth and rule the nations with His saints.
Test your knowledge from what you learned in Lesson 3 - Why Did God Create Mankind?
Biologically, we begin with man as a living organism.
It is important for us to learn about God the Father, His nature and character.
The book of Genesis tells us that God created man in His own image, forming man from the dust of the earth and breathing into his nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7).
How can you get the most benefit from this Bible Study Course? Here are some useful tips you can use to significantly expand the knowledge and understanding you gain from your study of these Bible lessons.
What is man? Few today have an adequate answer to this enormously significant question.
What can we learn from David's example?
Because of the crucial role Jesus plays in the destiny of mankind, it is essential that we understand His humanity.
A brief summary of definitions for words used in this lesson.
Jesus Christ is called "the Son of Man" more than 80 times in the Bible. It was the term he most commonly used in referring to Himself. Whether in Aramaic (which Jesus spoke), Greek or Hebrew, the expression means an ordinary man.
Some questions to aid your Bible study