Pour l’Avenir : mai-juin 2023

Profile picture for user wasolorzano

Werner was born and raised in Guatemala City and grew up in the Church. He is a licensed psychotherapist and sworn translator and interpreter. Werner has previously worked as an English and French instructor for fifteen years. He currently works for as the communication analyst and assitant webmaster for the French department of UCG.

Werner is a published author in his home country where he currently lives with his wife and their cat.

Ciel nocturne naturel. Étoiles en arrière-plan dans la campagne.
4 minutes
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qu’il y a tout là-haut ? À l’école, nous avons tous appris ce qu’est le système solaire : les huit planètes, la Lune et...
by Steve Myers
Tempête en Oklahoma
19 minutes
Les événements mondiaux s’aggravent de plus en plus et nous entraînent dans une situation de crise sans précédent ; vous devez donc demeurer vigilants...

Pour l’Avenir : mars-avril 2023

Profile picture for user wasolorzano

Werner was born and raised in Guatemala City and grew up in the Church. He is a licensed psychotherapist and sworn translator and interpreter. Werner has previously worked as an English and French instructor for fifteen years. He currently works for as the communication analyst and assitant webmaster for the French department of UCG.

Werner is a published author in his home country where he currently lives with his wife and their cat.