Table of Contents

8 minutes
What's behind the frightening epidemic of youth violence? The prophet Isaiah envisioned a time when children would oppress their elders. Are we living...
2 minutes
Romano Prodi, nominated for president of the European Commission, has called for the creation of a European army as the next logical step in Europe's...
7 minutes
Scientists predict astounding advancements in artificial intelligence in the coming years. Can AI help us solve our chronic problems?
2 minutes
Some see American children as a generation of rage. Surrounded with materialism, the typical child may look healthy materially—but many are...
1 minute
An Anglican and Roman Catholic joint commission has recognized the pope's overall spiritual authority, depicting the pope as a "gift to be received by...
12 minutes
How can we deal with devastating circumstances? How do you pull through without your life disintegrating?
3 minutes
To many secular prophets, the gloomy trends of youthful violence are a harbinger of a crisis of biblical proportions.
1 minute
A tragic byproduct of overweight among Westerners is greater vulnerability to heart disease.
6 minutes
"Pick your parents wisely." This saying is offered as sage, although tongue-in-cheek, advice for children. Since parents more than anyone else have...
13 minutes
This century has seen astounding scientific and technological advancement. Developments continue to amaze. But is all such advancement a good thing?
1 minute
A worldwide survey has revealed that "the world's forests are being stripped of their rarest trees."
3 minutes
Rarely does a day go by when we don't read or hear of a senseless tragedy, a life cut short.
3 minutes
Except for some simpler life forms, nature's method of reproduction is the union of male and female. Cloning is a means of producing offspring without...
2 minutes
The smallpox virus was slated to be the first species specifically targeted for extinction.
12 minutes
The concept of a resurrection to life—a biblical teaching few understand—was no longer an intangible promise from the pages of the Bible. The...
1 minute
Some artificial-intelligence proponents are certain that, by the end of the 21st century, cyborgs—the merger of humans with their electronic creations...
1 minute
Residents of retirement resorts are reporting a marked increase in AIDS.
8 minutes
Is America surrendering its leadership of the Western world?
8 minutes
If Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams and Benjamin Franklin conceived the framework of a new nation, George Washington navigated it through...
1 minute
According to The Sunday Times, Israel's prime minister-elect, Ehud Barak, will push to offer Syria the Golan Heights in return for peace in an...
4 minutes
In recent years major museums have played host to a special exhibition that spotlights pre-Christian Chinese civilization. The most spectacular facet...
7 minutes
Sometimes if you don't say no you can end up hurting yourself. The challenge is in learning to say no without offending others and losing friends.
1 minute
Nearly two million civilians have died in the southern Sudan during a 15-year war that has developed into the deadliest conflict since World War II.