Table of Contents

1 minute
Closely examining any creation of mankind reveals flaws; closely examining the creation of God reveals only more beauty.
2 minutes
Where did William Tyndale learn Greek and Hebrew?
2 minutes
Columnist Mark Steyn stated that "poll after poll shows that up to half the British electorate wants out of the EU" (The Daily Telegraph).
17 minutes
A quarter century ago a nation in some ways not that different from the United States and Britain lost a war on terror. What lessons can we learn from...
1 minute
A timeline of William's Tyndale's accomplishments
17 minutes
Belief in the Bible as the inspired and accurate Word of God is plunging. Here are some simple proofs you can use to show that the Bible is indeed...
10 minutes
In the wake of his recent death, hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles have been written about former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. We focus...
7 minutes
Will you be leaving home for college this autumn? If so, your Christianity is sure to be tested. Read on for advice on how to stay faithful.
8 minutes
How was the Bible actually put together? How do we know that the Bible contains the books that it should have? These are important questions, and many...
3 minutes
All 25 European Union (EU) member countries have agreed in Brussels on a final draft of the new European constitution.
3 minutes
In the ancient world, copies of the New Testament books were made in several major locations. The manuscripts originating in these locations are...
2 minutes
A foreign affairs journalist, John Simpson, wrote: "Last Monday the convenient fiction on which Britain handed over Hong Kong to China ('one country...
10 minutes
Some Bible critics argue that we should disregard the Bible because it's impossible that our modern versions could match the original texts. But how...
2 minutes
The Wall Street Journal Europe reported that "just as the United States imposed sanctions on Damascus, the European Union is finalizing a deal to...
3 minutes
An editorial note from Scott Ashley
Portrait William Tyndale
11 minutes
Do we understand and appreciate what it took to give us the Bible? The English-speaking world owes much to William Tyndale, who, almost four centuries...
1 minute
In a recent poll, American adults were asked what guiding sources they used in making ethical decisions and moral choices.
13 minutes
A cultural clash is ripping at the fabric of Western societies. It’s most pronounced in the United States, where history is being rewritten and...
2 minutes
A letter written from prison by William Tyndale lay buried in the archives of the Council of Brabant in Belgium for some 300 years. The contents are...
3 minutes
In January 1981, Ronald Reagan entered the highest office of the land as U.S. president.