Table of Contents

The Mayflower Compact
1 minute
Among the first groups of colonists who settled in North America were the pilgrims, who established the Plymouth Colony in what would later become the...
2 minutes
The bailout crisis continues unabated as Greece, Portugal and Ireland (and perhaps less so Spain and Italy) experience serious financial difficulties.
Separation of Church and State?
2 minutes
Some people believe that the U.S. Constitution forbids any connection between religion and government - or, as it's popularly known, separation of...
America and Britain Cut Defense: What Does It Mean for the Future?
6 minutes
Faced with exploding government debt, America will likely soon see massive defense cuts. Britain has already made severe cutbacks in military spending...
Christopher Columbus and Jesus Christ
1 minute
Have you ever heard that Christopher Columbus gave God the credit for his journey to the New World?
1 minute
A recent article summed up the basic problem in one sentence.
The Religious Roots of America's Founding Fathers
6 minutes
Were the Founding Fathers of the United States believers in God and the Bible? Were they religious and devout men who believed in and did their best...
4 minutes
From time to time, experts in many different fields and disciplines issue urgent warnings of famines to come.
Biblical Reflections on the Royal Wedding
11 minutes
On April 29, 2 billion people around the globe watched the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton. Why are so many people fascinated...
Does Israel Matter?
7 minutes
U.S. President Barack Obama recently called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders as the basis for a solution to its conflict with the...
2 minutes
The May 2011 edition of The American Spectator asked this question of nine insightful observers: "Is America in Decline?" Only two responded with an...
Violent Weather: Where Was God?
13 minutes
Over recent months America has been repeatedly stricken by devastating tornadoes, floods, wildfires and drought. Is there a message for us in these...
America's Biblical Roots
15 minutes
Today some are trying to rewrite history to argue that the United States was founded as a secular, nonreligious nation. The historical record clearly...
3 minutes
Israel is a tiny nation besieged by serious problems on every side.
Freedom and Free Enterprise - Great Biblical Blessings
13 minutes
Few people understand how much the wonderful principles of civil liberty and free enterprise originated with God and are taught in the Bible!
Warnings for America
3 minutes
"America must rediscover the qualities that originally made it great. That will not be easy."
The Life Cycles of Empires: Lessons for America Today?
11 minutes
Perceptive historians recognize that great powers go through a cycle of growth, stability, maturity and decline. Where is America in this cycle? Will...
The Early Church Was Not Communist - and Neither Was Jesus
3 minutes
A common misunderstanding is that the early Church practiced communal socialism, which some believe based on what they read in the beginning chapters...