Table of Contents

2 minutes
There are way more cons than pros to smoking.
2 minutes
While watching events in Europe should be a constant concern, shouldn't we keep a close eye on the People's Republic of China?
The Bible's Keys to Mental Health
14 minutes
Why are mental problems and disabilities on the rise? Could it be that we overlook the Bible's keys to healthy, positive thinking?
An open Bible.
9 minutes
Many assume Jesus' statements in Mark 7 did away with the dietary restrictions recorded in the Old Testament. How should we understand Christ's words...
1 minute
Expect to see considerable changes ahead in the European Union (EU).
3 minutes
Editorial note from Scott Ashley
15 minutes
We all know that smoking is devastating to one's health. Would you or a loved one like to quit for good? Where can you find the extra help to kick the...
7 minutes
Teaching your children limits on unhealthy activities will give them a headstart on a long, vibrant, healthy life.
3 minutes
Let the buyer beware. Sometimes unhealthy food products are placed on the market because suppliers take shortcuts to save money. The results can be...
3 minutes
We see a steady growth in tension between various European nations and the United States. According to a Financial Times feature article, the "common...
13 minutes
God designed the human body. Shouldn't we pay attention to what He says to put into it and what to avoid?
12 minutes
One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the...
2 minutes
Indications abound that the United States and Israel have struck the same European nerve.
2 minutes
America pioneered the fast-food industry that is a major part of the nation's economic engine.
4 minutes
Eighteenth-century British economist Adam Smith (1723-90) first wrote of the connection between freedom and national economic success. In his...
2 minutes
The Aug. 24 edition of The Economist, based in Britain but published elsewhere as well, took a look at the remarkable demographic differences between...
3 minutes
In recent years some physicians have touted wine as beneficial to health, particularly the circulatory system.
2 minutes
My mother died of emphysema. My uncle died of emphysema. My grandfather died of emphysema. Emphysema is a terrible way to go.
2 minutes
Bilateral relations between nations don't always mix well with national politics. Germany is a recent case in point.
Vibrant Health: The Crucial Biblical Keys
19 minutes
The Bible has a surprising number of things to say about your health. In recent years researchers are discovering that its health advice is sound—and...
3 minutes
How easy is it to get hooked on tobacco?
1 minute
"The break-up of Austria's [government] coalition ... was caused by a ruthless purge of moderates from the ranks of Jörg Haider's right-wing Freedom...
Baby in the manger carving.
15 minutes
Do you observe Christmas because you think it's Christ's birthday? Was He born on or anytime near Dec. 25? If Jesus lived on earth today, would He...