Table of Contents

3 minutes
An editorial note from Scott Ashley
3 minutes
For more than half a century the United States has enjoyed good diplomatic relations with Turkey.
21 minutes
The gay agenda is steadily gaining ground in Western nations, with same-sex marriage finding acceptance. But what does the Bible say—and why? And what...
12 minutes
The latest research of science and the Bible shows God has big plans for planet earth.
2 minutes
Israel is in the process of constructing a long security fence to help keep suicide bombers from infiltrating from the West Bank.
15 minutes
"One day we were neighbors, and the next day the massacre began." That's how the survivor of a tribal massacre described the shocking turn of events...
1 minute
According to the British newspaper The Guardian, Iran claims to have conducted final tests on a missile capable of reaching Israel and U.S. forces in...
12 minutes
An interview with Joseph Nicolosi, a clinical psychologist and experts on homosexuality.
1 minute
According to the August issue of Discover magazine: "In the 1990s some library scientists concluded that our stockpile of information doubles every...
A foggy sunrise over farmlands.
20 minutes
Few people are aware of the seven festivals God reveals in the Bible. Even fewer are aware that they center around and teach us a great deal about...
2 minutes
The Middle East is far from the only area on the globe troubled by serious conflicts.
A Bible opened to the book of Acts.
2 minutes
Regarding the feasts of the Lord, it is very instructive to study the history of the first 30 years of the Christian Church recorded in Scripture...
2 minutes
Where in the world is Liberia? And why is America interested in this tiny country on Africa's west coast?
5 minutes
An unexpected turn of events can sometimes teach us a valuable lesson.
2 minutes
The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church leveled harsh criticism at the Charter of Fundamental Rights adopted by the European Union in December 2000.
8 minutes
What should you do when friends are at each other's throats?
A large expanse of wheat fields.
11 minutes
Despite the enormous problems facing humanity today, mankind has great hope for the future. Proof of that hope lies in God's harvest celebrations laid...