Table of Contents

America After 9/11: On the Hinge of History
15 minutes
The events of Sept. 11, 2001, shook the entire world. The world had changed, though exactly how wouldn't be known for some time. Now, 10 years later...
6 minutes
The Bible and more recent history offer lessons of courageous and wise leadership from two courageous men three millennia apart in time.
2 minutes
People desire signs. Signs are very important to an ordered society, like directing traffic and reaching a destination
The Mystery of the Resurrections Mentioned in the Bible
4 minutes
Does the resurrection from the dead seem like a mystery to you?
Does God Have a Plan?
3 minutes
The key to understanding what God is doing is a series of festival days found in the Bible.
1 minute
An astonishing number of new pupils in Britain begin school not even knowing their own names.
6 minutes
Readers of The Good News share their thoughts.
Will the World End in 2012?
17 minutes
Much has been said about the world ending in the year 2012 - a fact supposedly revealed in the ancient Mayan calendar. Is there any basis or truth to...
2 minutes
E. coli is dangerous.
Planet Earth Will Survive and Flourish!
13 minutes
Over the centuries many have proclaimed the end of the world - some even in recent months. What does the Bible say about our planet's future?
Will World Peace Come in Our Time?
12 minutes
God established a festival in the Bible, called the Feast of Tabernacles, that symbolizes coming period of peace and unparalleled prosperity on earth...
1 minute
While not the "Axis Powers" of World War II, Iran and North Korea are nonetheless dictatorial nations colluding in their joint evil.
Corruption and Despotism Cry Out for the Coming Kingdom of God
9 minutes
Demonstrations and riots across North Africa and the Middle East highlight the corruption, nepotism and oppression that's common throughout the world...
2 minutes
The U.S. space program leapt forward in May 1961 when President John F. Kennedy declared that the country would put a man on the moon by the end of...
What Might Have Been vs. What Shall Yet Be
9 minutes
Few sorrows in life can come close to the loss of a child. Yet even in such a tragedy, God's Word promises the hope of life beyond the grave - a...
3 minutes
Adolf Hitler came to power only because of a major financial crisis in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
The Great White Throne Judgment: A Biblical Mystery Explained
9 minutes
The book of Revelation describes a resurrection in which billions will be judged. How will Jesus Christ judge them? Will He consign them to an ever...
2 minutes
These facts by themselves indicate that many aspects of such viewing can and will encourage risky behavior in teenagers and children.