Beyond Today Magazine: July–August 2016

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Ideas have consequences. We see the consequences of belief in Darwinian evolution—that there is no God and human beings are the result of mindless, purposeless, blind chance—played out in the headlines every day as people lose sight of the difference between right and wrong and good and evil. This issue will help provide facts about the key questions of life, including whether God really exists, whether the Bible is His inspired Word, and what His plan and purpose is for you.  Download this issue in PDF.

Table of Contents

A elderly woman sitting by herself.
4 minutes
What can we do to help someone who has lost a loved one? Here are some practical and biblical solutions.
German Leopard 2 battle tanks on maneuvers.
3 minutes
Germany released a statement to the European Union (EU) pushing for a joint effort in military power.
A stony path leading up to mountains.
7 minutes
We can trust in God and Christ to lead and help us on the path of life—through the Holy Spirit.
Police report to shooting in Orlando.
3 minutes
In the wake of the June 12 terrorist attack at an Orlando gay night club, we need to consider what’s happened. Many call it “senseless violence,” yet...
A man carrying a ISIS flag.
2 minutes
Despite daily U.S. and allied forces’ airstrikes, the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues to seek the destruction of the...
Photo illustration of a male lion and small lamb standing beside each other.
12 minutes
God has wonderful promises that He will keep, prophecies that tell of Christ’s return to this earth, when He will begin a time of restoration and...
Charles Lindbergh with the plane The Spirit of St. Louis and a "all gender" restroom sign in San Diego Airport.
4 minutes
It’s crucial that you arm yourself with the facts about the key questions of life, including whether God really exists, whether the Bible is His...
Families at a park.
2 minutes
A new study in the United Kingdom shows that children whose parents are married have the highest self-esteem.
DNA strand
15 minutes
Charles Darwin admitted that the available fossil evidence didn’t support his theory of “survival of the fittest,” better known as evolution. But he...
Medicine, pills and thermometer
3 minutes
“For the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort, an alarming...
A person sitting with the head down in a dark hallway.
11 minutes
With increasingly mandated acceptance of transgenderism, society is careening off a cliff. How did we get here? And where will we end up?
Letters from readers of the Beyond Today magazine.
5 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2016 issue
Roman Venus statue
2 minutes
Crossdressing existed in ancient pagan worship—prominent being that of the Babylonian Ishtar, goddess of love, war, fertility and sex, called Inanna...
Close-up photo of the British flag
10 minutes
At one point the largest and most powerful empire known to man, the British Empire, ruled lands on all inhabited continents of the earth. Now Britain...
Cells and chemisty formulas in a visual graphic.
10 minutes
Did chance evolution leave us with unneeded vestigial body parts— or did a Creator carefully design every part of us? As it turns out, there are uses...
A bathroom sign with icons for a man, woman and handicap.
3 minutes
A sobering article at LifeSiteNews by Claire Chretien titled “Bathrooms Are Just the Beginning: A Scary Look Into the Trans Movement’s End Goals” (May...
A person wearing yellow dish gloves and washing a sink full of dirty dishes.
9 minutes
Washing dishes either by hand or with a dishwasher is a routine chore. Even Jesus Christ used washing dishes as a metaphor when speaking to religious...
A large jellyfish swimming in the deep blue ocean.
8 minutes
We may have heard it said that science and God are incompatible. But that isn’t the case, as this scientist shows how studying her chosen field has...
Photo of Dr. Anthony Flew
12 minutes
When you’ve devoted a lifetime to arguing against the existence of a divine Creator, it can be hard to admit you were wrong. So what compelled one of...
A little lying in bed looking at a Bible.
12 minutes
The Bible claims many things. Most importantly, it claims to be the very Word of the Creator God. Can we trust the Bible in its claims?