Beyond Today Magazine: July–August 2017

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In a world changing before our eyes, we’d all like to know what the future holds. How will it affect us and our loved ones? Can we know where it’s all headed? This is where Bible prophecy has a message for each and every one of us. God reveals where the world is headed—and most importantly, why. You need to understand some of the key trends revealed in Bible prophecy—trends that tell us that the time of Jesus Christ’s return and the coming Kingdom of God are drawing near! Discover some of these key trends in this issue!

Table of Contents

A woman using a smartphone.
6 minutes
Is your smartphone's unending supply for information and entertainment drawing you away from God?
Three old skeleton keys laying on an old wood table.
8 minutes
Taking good care of your body, mind and spirit is vital because you owe it to not only yourself and those who depend on you, but especially your...
An open Bible.
4 minutes
All of us would like to know what the future holds. What will happen to the world we live in? How will we and our loved ones be affected? Is there a...
A woman in a field with the sun setting in the distance.
8 minutes
Jesus Christ’s parable of a tiny seed yields big lessons and can have a huge impact on your life!
Painting of North Korea supreme leader - Kim Jong Un
9 minutes
An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
A hand picking an apple from a tree.
8 minutes
Man’s existence began with God in a garden. A garden also awaits in man’s destiny with God. And a garden experience in between makes it possible. We...
A photos of large dark storm clouds.
19 minutes
As there are visible signs of coming weather and seasonal change, so there are signs to look for in world conditions before the soon-coming return of...
Sunrays coming through the clouds.
13 minutes
Much of Bible prophecy centers on the return of Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. Let’s examine prophecies of this event!
The North Korean military parades its KN-15 missile, thought to be nuclear-capable, in 2017.
19 minutes
The United States and its global allies face dangerous adversaries armed with nuclear weapons or who will likely possess them soon. How significant...
The European Union flag - A circle of twelve five-pointed yellow stars in a blue field. One of the stars has fallen off of the circle.
15 minutes
Concerns over NATO’s future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe’s horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?
A man staring a clear blue lake.
3 minutes
Why does the Bible say we should repent before being baptized?
Letters from readers of the Beyond Today magazine.
6 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the July/August 2017 issue.
An upclose photo of a man's face.
4 minutes
Looking for a way of escape through alcohol, drugs or other substances is no escape at all.
A man holding an open Bible.
11 minutes
Jesus Christ’s second coming can’t be just a notion of a fantasy future. You must prepare spiritually for this real event!