Beyond Today Magazine: March–April 2022

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We live in deeply troubled world. Everywhere we look we see problems. The last year has been one of immense suffering and death. It’s no wonder that people feel so depressed and beaten down. Where can we look for hope when things seem hopeless? How can we better cope? The title of this magazine, Beyond Today, points us beyond today’s troubles to a far different future promised in God’s Word. It also points us to how we can learn to walk with God, confident in that hope and in His promises. You can learn much more about that vital relationship in this issue! Read about this and other fascinating topics in the pages of this issue of Beyond Today. Download this issue in PDF. Individual articles will be posted in the upcoming days.

Table of Contents

An open Bible with Passover wine an pieces of unleavened bread.
11 minutes
In 1 Corinthians 5:7, Paul wrote that “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” Do you understand the profound meaning this statement holds for...
A person reading a Bible.
11 minutes
The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we...
Shelf of old books.
11 minutes
Was Jesus Christ real? What does the evidence say? In spite of what you may have heard, we have compelling historical documentation of His existence.
An elderly man looking out a window.
6 minutes
The ramp-up we’re seeing in inflation in the United States is the reaping of a bitter harvest sown by wrong policies. It’s important to understand.
Footprints in the sand.
4 minutes
Living in accordance with that hope and future, trusting God’s promises and striving to obey and please Him, is key to walking with God.
A family in a field.
7 minutes
New attacks on the Bible and biblical teachings from society and governments demonstrate the spiritual danger of the times—and for Christians to not...
A person looking up into the night sky.
12 minutes
Do you have a fulfilling “walk with God”? What does it really mean to walk with God the Father and Jesus Christ? Is something missing in your...
The silhouette of a woman.
6 minutes
A faithful disciple made sure to not miss an important opportunity to show her love and devotion to Jesus Christ—leaving a lesson and example for us...
A rabbit and Easter eggs.
5 minutes
What do colored Easter eggs, rabbits and sunrise services have to do with Jesus Christ?
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April  2022 issue.
4 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the March/April 2022 issue.
Joseph Kaputula (left) and brothers Christopher and Samuel Ndungyuyonga
11 minutes
Stories of amazing faith and perseverance are not limited to the Bible and Bible times. Such stories still happen, and in the most amazing places and...
A man smoking.
9 minutes
An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2022 issue of Beyond Today.