Beyond Today Magazine: May–June 2017

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Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to “Make America Great Again.” America has been and remains great—but for how long? What factors made the nation the world’s greatest superpower? You might find the answers very surprising—because they were foretold in Bible prophecy! You need to understand what the Bible says about the rise and fall of nations—discover the answers in this issue! Download this issue in PDF.

Table of Contents

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
2 minutes
In America there’s much contention about accepting refugees from the Syrian Civil War and other evils in the Middle East.
A family of four looking through a tall fence.
17 minutes
Our news headlines are often filled with reports about immigrants and immigration. But a key perspective is missing—what the Bible says on the subject...
A man sitting with two women.
2 minutes
In Salt Lake City this year, protesters took to their capitol to speak out against the bigamy laws in Utah. The U.S. Supreme Court recently denied...
Illustration of brain with lines and numbers.
12 minutes
Mankind is threatened with extinction in several fronts. Now, some warn, comes another potentially deadly menace—artificial intelligence.
An open Bible to Psalm 119.
4 minutes
The country I grew up in is getting harder and harder to recognize. More and more I can identify with the biblical prophet Jeremiah, called “the...
2 minutes
In late March British Prime Minister Theresa May sent a formal letter to the head of the European Union stating that the United Kingdom will be...
A person watching a sunset.
14 minutes
Many people, confused by the conception of God as a Trinity, don’t really understand the nature and purpose of the Holy Spirit. What is God’s Spirit...
United States Capitol building
16 minutes
The campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” catapulted candidate Donald Trump into the world’s most powerful office. Yet, though diminished in...
A huge mural on a Tehran building reads “Down With the U.S.A.”
1 minute
Earlier this year President Donald Trump put Iran “on notice” concerning its nuclear program. Iranian leaders balked at this warning, and Iranian...
A close fist knocking on a door.
8 minutes
The One who has always and forever existed remains ever near. He cares for you and stands knocking at the door, inviting you to invite Him in.
A young man standing on top of a cliff
17 minutes
The world was once a paradise. But that paradise was dashed, and humanity has suffered ever since. Thankfully, God has a plan to make the world great...
Letters from readers of the Beyond Today magazine.
6 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2017 issue.
An artist's rendition of water waves, cliffs and sun rays.
13 minutes
A prophet is one whom God has sent to speak for Him—declaring His will and judgment in the present and what is yet to come. Jesus of Nazareth, the...
A woman looking at her smartphone.
8 minutes
Fake news can spread like a virus, misleading and deceiving. Could it be affecting your life?
A man holding a smartphone with the sun glaring behind him.
11 minutes
Mass media wields tremendous power and influence over today’s society and culture. And often that influence is not good. In fact, it’s much like the...
2 minutes
North Korea is the perennial pariah of the Far East, the subject of continuous sanctions and international ire.
A person sitting a hill with a red sky.
4 minutes
Jesus made it clear that no one can come to Him unless God the Father draws him (John 6:44; John 6:65). And the apostle James later told us that as we...
2 minutes
After being hit with several small yet high-impact terror plots in the past couple of years, Germany is trying desperately to control its imported and...
Two United States flags separated.
12 minutes
Why is there such a great political divide in the United States and in other nations? What does this have to do with human rule in general and the...