Beyond Today Magazine: May–June 2019

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Few days have marked a turning point in human history. But one of those was
“D-Day”—June 6, 1944, when Allied troops broke through Adolf Hitler’s Atlantic coastal defenses to invade and liberate France, then the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany itself. The trajectory of Europe’s history was radically changed. Now, looking back 75 years later, what have we learned? Where is Europe heading today, and what does it mean for the rest of the world? In this issue we explore these topics and many more, including the transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Download this issue in PDF. 

Table of Contents

A baby in the womb.
12 minutes
Recent actions by state legislators to allow the murder of full-term children forces every one of us to consider how far we have come in the culture...
A man putting another man under water.
11 minutes
The spiritual imagery associated with the biblical instruction of baptism is incredibly rich, deeply meaningful and bursting with hope, joy and...
A Bible laying on a table.
4 minutes
Bible prophecy reveals that history has a way of repeating itself.
A person standing at night with stars in the background.
15 minutes
What I learned about grace from a friend long ago helped transform my life. It can do the same for you!
1944 Normandy Invasion
19 minutes
History’s largest invasion armada was assembled 75 years ago. Hitler’s Atlantic Wall was breached, and the Nazi Empire began to crumble. Do these...
A man reaching for a cluster of grapes on a vine.
15 minutes
The Bible tells us that God’s people will be led by God’s Spirit—and that the Spirit will produce specific evidence in their lives in the form of...
With the Normandy beachhead secured, vast numbers of Allied troops and military vehicles flood ashore.
14 minutes
On this 75th anniversary of D-Day, a crucial event in the push to Allied victory in World War II, we look back on the remarkable miracle of its...
A young man looking up.
8 minutes
The nations of the world seek power to resist real or potential enemies. But what about you? When you have God and His indisputable power on your side...
Torn European Union flag.
16 minutes
Europeans are torn between two competing paths—a bigger and more powerful European Union or individual countries having their own national control...
A man with a suitcase.
9 minutes
More important than having the Bible at hand is having its life-giving words ingrained in our hearts—trusting and following their guidance on our...
A girl wearing headphones while watching the screen of a laptop.
8 minutes
An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2019 issue of Beyond Today.
Letters From Our Readers: May/June 2019
4 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2019 issue.