Beyond Today Magazine: November–December 2016

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Did Jesus Christ really exist? Are the stories written about Him in the Bible true? Much as some don’t want to hear it, the historical evidence is compelling and conclusive. And if He did exist, who was He, really? Can we believe His shocking claims about His true identity? Discover the answers in this issue—and they have huge implications for your life! Download this issue in PDF.

Table of Contents

People walking on a crowded city street.
1 minute
How valuable is freedom when an individual can cause so much harm working alone?
A person walking on an pier.
8 minutes
We live in a world in which, as Isaiah 59:14 says, “Truth is fallen in the street.” Is truth that important anymore? Is it important to you?
People walking a sidewalk. All you see is their legs and feet.
2 minutes
Fear of war, danger and the unknown is common to man. Hearing about rogue nations and their nuclear aspirations can be scary. But God doesn’t want us...
Letters from readers of the Beyond Today magazine.
5 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the November/December 2016 issue.
A vest with explosions attached to it.
2 minutes
The war against terrorism isn’t a traditional war of one nation against another. It’s a war of ideas and beliefs.
A red christmas ball ornament.
10 minutes
If Christ is truly the reason for the season, would He celebrate Christmas today?
A person looking down at broken window glass.
2 minutes
Bad leadership is not new to our world, but the globalization of economies has linked us all together in ways not possible in the past.
A person with socks standing right beside Christmas gifts.
13 minutes
If you’ve been reading Beyond Today magazine or watching the Beyond Today TV program for long, you’ve probably come to see what the Bible says about...
An open Bible and notebook.
4 minutes
This issue of Beyond Today addresses the question of whether Jesus Christ really existed, how do the Gospels stack up with verifiable history and what...
A memorial of candles to recent victim of terrorist act.
2 minutes
While those in the United States and other Western nations with the freedom of speech have the right to criticize any group within reason, retaliatory...
Temple Mount Sifting Project researcher Frankie Snyder.
6 minutes
Discoveries from the world of science that support the biblical record.
A person wearing sandals walking about dusty steps.
22 minutes
Was Jesus Christ real? What does the evidence say? In spite of what you may have heard, we have compelling historical documentation of His existence...
14 minutes
The story of Jesus Christ and His early followers is found in the New Testament. But has this source been faithfully passed on to us? And can we...
Excavations at Tel Gezer in Israel
3 minutes
Discoveries from the world of science that support the biblical record.
A man's hand touching stalks of wheat.
18 minutes
Who was Jesus, really? Why did He come? Who and what is He now? You need to understand the answers right from your Bible!
2nd century biblical text fragment from Egypt
2 minutes
Christianity Today reported in 2012 about findings announced by Dallas Theological Seminary professor Daniel Wallace regarding a very intriguing...
A Santa Claus ornament in a Christmas tree.
5 minutes
If a person celebrates the birth of Jesus on Dec. 25 with the intent to worship Him as the Son of God, I believe they are not revering a pagan god...
People protesting.
4 minutes
What exactly is “Black Lives Matter”? Who is behind it? Is it really a spontaneous movement or is something else at work?
A person standing of top of a hill.
9 minutes
Tension, rioting, shootings, violence and unrest not seen in decades is ratcheting up. What’s behind all this division, what’s a Christian to think...
A room full of stuff.
8 minutes
It’s not enough to let God enter our lives. We must open up every area of our lives to Him—surrendering to Him totally for ultimate blessing.