Is the Bible True?

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The Bible is much quoted, but little understood or believed. Can the Bible withstand scrutiny of its apparent contradictions? Should you believe it?

Table of Contents

Clay tablets showing Hittite musicians.
16 minutes
How has the Bible fared when archaeologists have compared their findings with the record of Scripture?
A person reading a Bible.
6 minutes
Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder. For those determined to undermine Scripture, yes, it does contain errors and no answer will...
This relief from Sennacherib’s palace at Nineveh shows the Assyrians’ assault on the Jewish stronghold of Lachish.
5 minutes
One of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time is the unearthing of the ancient Assyrian Empire. Did the biblical stories involving this...
A doctor holding an xray.
26 minutes
Several centuries ago science dethroned the Bible as the greatest authority for humankind, pushing it to the background. But as scientists have...
A person holding a Bible.
5 minutes
Billions of Bibles have been published and distributed around the world. Millions of people regard it as the inspired Word of God. It's been one of...
Fragments of an inscription recovered at the site of biblical Dan prove that King David was a historical figure.
2 minutes
For many years some critics have asserted that many biblical figures, including King David, are nothing more than myth. But a dramatic find forced...
cylinder of King Cyrus of Persia
1 minute
This was one of many amazing prophecies recorded in the Bible that later came to pass.
Theodore Roosevelt, Queen Victoria, Isaac Newton, George Washington
3 minutes
Historically, the Bible has been held in the highest esteem by many great men and women—presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, scholars, scientists...
This portrait of the Assyrian monarch Tiglath-Pileser III was found in his palace at Nimrud 26 centuries after his invasion of Israel in 745 B.C.
4 minutes
The following biblical people existence has been attested by archaeology or other preserved ancient records.
A Bible on a bookshelf.
6 minutes
If the Bible is the authoritative Word of God, what should we expect to find in it?
Closeup of a Bible.
3 minutes
Here are a few examples of men of God that had scientific knowledge and the spiritual understanding of the knowledge of God.
An open Bible on a table.
3 minutes
If we really want to know the truth, we should at least temporarily lay aside such skepticism and examine the Bible with an open mind.
A swan on a beautiful pond.
24 minutes
Unlike any other book in the world, the Bible offers its own test to show whether it is divinely inspired.
An artist's rendition of a flat earth.
11 minutes
Some believe that discoveries from astronomy conflict with the Bible. But in fact there is no conflict, and the Bible has proven itself to be well...
4 minutes
Bible prophecy has foretold a number of circumstances that have been realized or made possible only in modern times.
The moon and Earth from space.
5 minutes
Do other passages, as well as history, shed any light on this question?
A person reading a Bible.
9 minutes
Is the Bible a true and reliable guide to how we should live?