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Thirty students graduated as part of the Ambassador Bible College class of 2015.

Ambassador Bible College just graduated its 16th class of students on Sunday, May 17. Thirty young people will be going back to their homes and immersing themselves in their life’s work. They hopefully will contribute their skills in service to their local congregations.

The day before graduation I delivered the baccalaureate sermon, which was a message of farewell to the graduates.

This past year has been one of significant year of transition at ABC. First we changed our name from Ambassador Bible Center to Ambassador Bible College. This reflects more clearly our purpose, tone and mission.

Also in the last weeks we approved a change in ABC’s Mission statement, which now reads:

"The Mission of Ambassador Bible College, sponsored by the United Church of God, an International Association, is to diligently uphold and faithfully teach the truths of God, as found in the Bible, to equip disciples of Jesus Christ for a life of faithfulness and godly service."

Indeed we are equipping our students as disciples to lead a life reflecting integrity, honesty, endurance, conversion and truthfulness. That's saying a lot. Our students were here to do more than just know more about the Bible. They were here to learn and live the truth.

Our ABC plaque at the entrance to the meeting hall and on the podium proclaims this message: "Teaching the Truth."

Some would say it's pretentious. Who can really say that they know the truth? Being a Bible college we can confidently state that what we learn from the Bible and consequently believe is the truth. We should not be ashamed of what we read from God's Word.

Through the Bible we learn who and what God is. We come to understand His nature. We learn about God and Jesus Christ. We have clear teaching about man being created in the image and likeness of God Himself. Further we come to understand that God intended an eternal relationship with Him and the path to that end. That’s the truth!

Jesus said the following about truth and where we can find it: "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, 'If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free'" (John 8:31-32). In John 17:17 Jesus prays for His disciples saying, "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."

The truth about the big questions of life is found in the Word of God and understood by those who abide in it. That’s what our Ambassador Bible College graduates have been doing all this past year.

They have come to learn and know the truth, but also they have come to face the truth, live the truth, be transformed by the truth and be disciples in passing on the truth to others.

Knowing the truth is exciting and liberating. It sets us free from uncertainty about what we’re doing on this earth and more importantly about what God is doing on this earth with you.

I wanted to share these thoughts of the past week with you and encourage you continue abiding in the Word of God to help you understand life, as so many do not.

I would like to offer the followings study guides: Is the Bible True?  and How to Understand the Bible.

Also, I’d like to invite you to look our Ambassador Bible College website at and find out more about what we teach and take a glimpse about what our students have found so exciting and liberating.


Active in the ministry of Jesus Christ for more than five decades, Victor Kubik is a long-time pastor and Christian writer. Together with his wife, Beverly, he has served in pastoral and administrative roles in churches and regions in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. He regularly contributes to Church publications and does a weekly podcast. He and his wife have also run a philanthropic mission since 1999. 

He was named president of the United Church of God in May 2013 by the Church’s 12-man Council of Elders, and served in that role for nine years.


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