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Do we make a point to search for the positives in life every day?

"There are those among us who can dishearten and discourage people with a single word" (J. Cozzens). A cynic is a person who always looks for that which is bad or incorrect. Some recognize cynicism as a deadly sin. It robs us of hope, a positive outlook and zest for life.

The opposite may be rose-colored glasses and that, too, can become extreme. Being overly optimistic prevents us from seeing reality. It is important to recognize things as they really are, and to look for ways to maintain the good and redirect the not so good. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).

We have choices to make, and we can fight against cynicism. That is an enemy in our homes and our lives. Look for the silver linings and think on good things (Philippians 4:8). Nobody has to remain a cynic.


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