Would Churchill Be Heard Today?

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In the late 1930s as Nazi Germany rearmed and threatened the peace of Europe, Winston Churchill was a lone voice in Great Britain sounding the alarm of a gathering storm. No one listened until it was too late to turn back the tide of war that swept over the world. I have thought about that moment as we look at the world in 2015. There seems to be only one voice speaking with moral clarity and vision that could waken the world to present dangers. If Great Britain did not heed Churchill in 1938 will they heed today's herald?

Tomorrow, March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu addresses the United States Congress in what will likely be a historic speech. It comes at a critical moment when America leads other nations to forge an agreement with Iran over that countries efforts to build a nuclear weapon. The fear of Israel and some members of Congress is that President Obama's administration will produce a weak agreement that firmly opens the door to allow Iran's long held plan to become a nuclear nation.

President Obama will not meet with the Prime Minister while he is Washington. Some members of Congress say they will not be present to hear the speech. Controversy has surrounded this event since it was announced. Considering what is at stake you would expect the major players to all act like adults. Sometimes it appears there are no statesmen at the helm as the world steers through a period of great peril.

Why is this issue so critical? First, Iran has consistently threatened to destroy the State of Israel and push them in the sea. The detonation of one nuclear bomb over the country would be enough to accomplish this threat. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli leaders take this threat seriously and have been loud and clear in their warning of what Iran will do with a nuclear bomb. They are under no illusions.

When Iran obtains a nuclear weapon it will set off a Middle East arms race. To protect themselves other Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and likely even Turkey will feel the need to develop their own nuclear weapons. A nuclear armed Middle East is in no one's interest.

Iran's efforts to extend its influence throughout the region has created what some call a "neo-Persian Empire". No fewer than five surrounding countries, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria have Iranian-backed forces working to extend the influence of the Shiite dominated Iranian government. Iran's support of Syrian President Bashir Assad's government and the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon are on Israel's border and are direct threats to Jewish security. Iran is on a mission to influence the future course of the region.

Netanyau will be speaking before the United States Congress, not the Parliament of Great Britain. America is the only country that could stop Iran's march in the Middle East. Great Britain has no power or standing to effect any influence in this issue. Israel's Prime Minister knows this. So we will see the leader of the world's only Jewish nation come to its historic friend and brother to lay out a case for her to stand and be counted in a critical world moment. Big things are happening in the world right now and it takes vision to discern the scene and take appropriate action. Much is at stake.

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.


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