Compass Check: Spring 2022

God’s calendar begins in the spring (in the Northern Hemisphere where Isreal is), and we’ll soon be celebrating the spring Holy Days. Have you begun to think about them yet? If not, this issue contains an article to help you do so.

And of course, not long after Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, summer camp season will be here. Have you thought about applying yet? If not, check out the graphic on page 10 to remind you of seven great reasons to go to camp this year!

Camp is such a wonderful blessing we have in the Church today. But back when some of us were your age, camps didn’t exist or were only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A first-time author for Compass Check shares his experience growing up in church, and some of the challenges he encountered as a young adult and trying to put into practice as an adult what he learned in his youth.

This issue also tackles the topics of politics, economics and Jesus Christ. Just exactly what were His views? And when it comes to views, how should young men envision what it means to be an adults? Finally, we have our second installment of our career profile series: Notes on the Way. In this edition, you’ll hear how one young adult found a fulfilling job that didn’t necessarily fit her career profile.

Table of Contents

hiking people silhouetted against blue sky
7 minutes
You probably recognize the fundamental teachings about Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, but have you ever considered more deeply the...
a path leading into a beautiful sunset
7 minutes
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it…
was Jesus a socialist or capitalist?
7 minutes
Jesus is our example of how to live as God designed us to live. He taught about taking care of the poor, the value of work, the evil of greed and...
Samantha Cook
7 minutes
Samantha Cook’s career has taken more turns in five years than some take in a lifetime. With an openness and self-honesty about what she wants, her...
2 minutes
Dear Compass Checkers,
collage of men
6 minutes
The Bible paints a picture of manhood that’s at once masculine and tender-hearted; courageous and wise; bold and courteous; self-assured and teachable...