Compass Check: Spring 2023

This issue of Compass Check is all about dealing with challenges.

When facing a challenge, it’s always good to know what you’re up against. One challenge faced by all mankind, whether they know it or not, is resisting the devil (James 4:7). In this issue of Compass Check, we take a closer look at our enemy, and what exactly made him who he is in “The Fall of Lucifer.”

In that fight, one of our key weapons is prayer, and while we do need to use that to defend ourselves, we can use it to help others as well. Your parents are your guardians in a very literal way. That’s not an easy job, and they could use our prayers, as discussed in the article, “Pray . . . for Parents?”

One place we pray is at church. But besides prayer, what else should we be doing at church? In How to Revere God’s Holy Convocations,” we’ll take a look at not just our mindset in coming to services, but what we can do to get the most meaning out of the messages we hear.

Do you ever feel invisible? In our article, the author takes a look at why we feel this way at times, and the appropriate way to deal with it.

Finally, this issue includes our semi-regular feature, “Notes on the Way.” This one looks at the career of Ray Clore, Sr., who is currently a pastor for United Church of God, but served many years in the US State Department.

Table of Contents

Ray and Rhonda Clore
18 minutes
With a lifelong love of travel and a desire to serve God’s people around the world, Ray Clore had a fulfilling career doing both with the U.S. State...
Privately praying in a serene outdoor setting
9 minutes
Your parents probably taught you to pray, and there’s no doubt they pray for you. But have you ever thought about praying for your parents?
2 minutes
This issue of Compass Check is all about dealing with challenges.
Girl looking at Bible
6 minutes
The Sabbath is a set-apart day that gives us an opportunity to grow closer to God and learn more about His way of life.
The Fall of Lucifer
9 minutes
As Satan is our enemy, it would be wise for us to know a little bit about him, so we can be more aware of his attacks.
Feeling Invisible
8 minutes
Have you ever felt invisible? Perhaps you’re tired of being the one who isn’t invited, doesn’t have one or more “best friends,” or maybe you just feel...