This is our third issue of Compass Check, written with you, a teen in God’s Church, in mind. We hope you enjoy each article and benefit from them all. There is a nice variety of articles this issue.

Table of Contents

Escape the Jealousy Trap
4 minutes
“Who does she think she is?” I thought angrily. I was looking through a friend’s endless smiling photos with my crush on Facebook. I went to another...
Bullying: We Can End It
4 minutes
While walking down a hall one day in seventh grade, I was suddenly shoved over to the other side of the hallway. I looked over to see what happened. A...
2 minutes
Today, through cell phones and the Internet, a new form of bullying has emerged—it’s called “cyberbullying.”
5 minutes
Do you clam up on the first day of school? Are you tongue tied when you try to talk to the widow at church? Are you terrified of applying for a job...
2 minutes
This is our third issue of Compass Check, written with you, a teen in God’s Church, in mind. We hope you enjoy each article and benefit from them all...
3 minutes
Do you feel you don't belong in your local congregation because there are no service opportunities? If so, here are some tips on how to get involved.
7 minutes
I don’t know about you, but this time of year is very disappointing for me. I dread leaving the house, and I avoid listening to the radio and watching...
Dream Big and Serve God
5 minutes
I've heard the story many times. Or at least variations of the story. The basic gist is that there is a man or woman who is exceptional at something—...
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
7 minutes
Have you ever thought of yourself as ugly? Or have you felt that no one loves you? Maybe that you’re stupid or that you don’t matter? I have, and not...