
Jelly Learns Courage and Faith

A game of hide and seek quickly turns into a test of Jelly's courage and faith.


[Mr. Jonathan] Four, five, six, seven, eight… ready or not, here I come!

[Jelly giggles]

[Jelly] Okay, come find me! Mr. Jonathan? Okay, I’m ready, Mr. Jonathan! Mr. Jonathan! Where am I? Lost? Sun to the west, never eat shredded wheat, moss – north side, deer trails…. I’m lost. What was that? AAAAAHHH!

[Kelsey] AAAAAHHH!

[Kelsey] Hey, you scared me!

[Jelly] Hi, Kelsey! I know you from church!

[Kelsey] Hey, Jelly. What are you doing out here?

[Jelly] I was playing and I got lost in the woods. The woods sure can be scary.

[Kelsey] Well, come home with me, then. You can use the phone at my house.

[Kelsey] Jelly, this is my family. Cousin Turtle, Uncle Russell, Cousin Delroy, Cousin Thomasina Mae, Pop-pop Conway, Uncle Hubert, Aunt Sarah, Driftwood, Deadwood, Dogwood, and Hercules the rooster. This is Jelly! He got lost in the woods and was scared.

[Cousin Zach] Well hey there, buddy, nice to meet – whoa! Whoa!

[Jelly] Hey, that’s a pretty sweet fancy-man bow tie you got there.

[Cousin Zach] Well, thanks, Jelly! I’m Cousin Zach.

[Jelly] Nice to meet you, Mr. Cousin Zach.

[Cousin Zach] I heard you lost your way. Don’t be scared of those woods, little buddy. God’s always with you. Whenever you’re scared, you just got to remember all the times God’s helped you in the past, and all the people in the Bible that He’s helped that are just like you.

Courage and faith, courage and faith,
God will give you courage and faith,
Living God’s way is the best for you
But troubles will come, and when they do
Ask for courage and faith, courage and faith,
All God’s children need courage and faith
Stand with all your might
Do the thing that’s right
And Courage and Faith will come to you.

Verse 1:
Think about David, standing all alone
God gave him strength and he guided the stone.
Think about Daniel in the lions’ den.
God gave him courage and brought him out again.

Courage and faith, courage and faith,
God will give you courage and faith,
Living God’s way is the best for you
But troubles will come, and when they do
Ask for courage and faith, courage and faith,
All God’s children need courage and faith
Stand with all your might
Do the thing that’s right
And Courage and Faith will come to you.

Verse 2:
Think about Noah, building a boat
God saved his family and kept them all afloat
Think of Shadrach and Meshach and Abednago
They stood up to the king, and he had to let them go.

Courage and faith, courage and faith,
God will give you courage and faith,
Living God’s way is the best for you
But troubles will come, and when they do
Ask for courage and faith, courage and faith,
All God’s children need courage and faith
Stand with all your might
Do the thing that’s right
And Courage and Faith will come to you.

Verse 3:
Think about Deborah, leading the host
God gave her courage when she needed it the most
Think about Mary, lovely and young
God gave her faith to be the mother of his son.

Courage and faith, courage and faith,
God will give you courage and faith,
Living God’s way is the best for you
But troubles will come, and when they do
Ask for courage and faith, courage and faith,
All God’s children need courage and faith
Stand with all your might
Do the thing that’s right
And Courage and Faith will come to you.

Stand with all your might,
Do the thing that’s right,
And courage and faith will come to you.

[Cousin Zach] You hungry, buddy? Momma’s cooking up some mashed taters and chicken-fried steak if you want some.

[Jelly] Yes! Yes! Yes! But can you make mine chicken-fried chicken?

[Cousin Zach] Sorry, buddy. We’re fresh out.

[Jelly] That’s okay, I brought my own. AAAHH!

[Cousin Zach] Where was he hiding them things?

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Rudy Rangel III

Rudy Rangel was born and raised in Granite City, Illinois. He attended Southern Illinois University to study mass communication, graduating in 2008 with a bachelor of science degree. He also trained as an electrician.

Rudy currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was hired by the United Church of God in 2009 and works as production supervisor at the home office.

Rudy loves music, reading, writing, film and volunteering at United Youth Camps. Out of all these things, his favorite thing to do is play with his daughter and son and spend time with his wife. He also loves pizza.

Jamie Schreiber

Jamie Schreiber works in the Media Department at the Home Office in Cincinnati. He studied Digital Video and Media Production in Minneapolis, MN.

Jonathan Magee

I am passionate about helping others grow. I love making people laugh and making movies! I am so thankful for my amazing family and to be a part of the media team here at UCG. I am a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University and ABC.


Jelly loves to sing and dance! His favorite animal is the Bottlenose dolphin and he has been known to devour an entire weeks worth of chicken fried chicken in one sitting. Join Jelly on his many adventures as he learns about God’s way of life.

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