
Jelly Makes a Difference

Mr. Jonathan finds Jelly down in the dumps after school. Through a little song and dance, he helps Jelly learn that he's never too young to make a difference.


[Janitor] Oh, hello!

[Jelly] Salutations.

[Janitor] Sorry, little bucky, I didn’t know you were in here. I’ll go clean Mr. Schreiber’s room.

[Mr. Jonathan] Hey, Jelly!

[Jelly] Hey, Mr. Jonathan! What are you doing in my school?

[Mr. Jonathan] I’m here to pick up Miss Esther so we can –

[Jelly] I’m sad!

[Mr. Jonathan] What’s a matter, buddy?

[Jelly] I’m so discouraged. I don’t feel like I can help people.

[Jonathan] Oh, really? Why?

[Jelly] I’m too young, too short, too blue, too little. I can’t reach the cookies on top of the fridge, plus I got five problems and four fingers!

[Mr. Jonathan] Jelly, that can’t be true. I’m sure you’re able to help in lots of ways. What makes you think you’re too young to help?

[Jelly] Well, it happened about 9:36 AM this morning….

I went to open the door for a young missy ma’am, but it was one of those heavy super-doors, plus I’m pretty sure the wind was at my back or something.

[spray bottle, squeaking]

So, I was going to help my friend Kelly with the door, and then….

[Mr. Jonathan] Ouch!

[Jelly] So later that day, I was going to help someone get some water --

[Librarian] Shhh!

[Jelly] So then, I was going to help someone get some water….

But the water fountain was so high, I had to use a stick to push the button and I pushed it too hard and splashed all over her face!

[Mr. Jonathan] Oh.

[Jelly] And then, someone asked me to help them swing….

[Girl] Would you give me a push, Jelly?

[Jelly] I’m your mister, sister!

[spray bottle, squeaking]

[Janitor] Are you guys still -- ?

[Mr. Jonathan] Yeah, yeah, we’re still, um….

[Janitor] No problem. I’ll go polish the Glee Club participation trophies.

[Mr. Jonathan] You know, it’s no problem if you wanted to –

[Jelly] As I was saying –

[Janitor] Do you have any recycling?

[Mr. Jonathan] Oh, nope. Yeah.

[Jelly] She asked me for a boost, so that’s what I did, and boom, boy, sent me clear to next Tuesday!

I’m good, boss. 

[Mr. Jonathan] Jelly, don’t let it get you down. God’s made you the perfect size. He’s used lots of young people to make a big difference in the world. You’re never too young to make a difference.


You’re never too young to make a difference,

Never too small to help a friend,

There will always be opportunity just around the bend.

People all need love and understanding.

It can start with me,

If we all tried to make a difference,

What a difference there would be!

Once there was a lad who told his mom he had to go to hear what Jesus had to say,

She gave him his wishes, packed him loaves and fishes, sent him on his merry way.

When someone in the bunch said, ‘Hey, what’s for lunch?’ he marched right up there unafraid

One boy tried to make a difference, and what a difference it made!

You’re never too young to make a difference,

Never too small to help a friend,

There will always be opportunity just around the bend.

People all need love and understanding.

It can start with me,

If we all tried to make a difference,

What a difference there would be!

There was a girl whose mother put her baby brother in a basket in the river Nile,

Pharaoh’s daughter found him, sister hung around him, for a little while.

And when the lady said, ‘Hey, how’s this baby fed?’ she marched right up there unafraid,

One girl tried to make a difference, and what a difference it made!

You’re never too young to make a difference,

Never too small to help a friend,

There will always be opportunity just around the bend.

People all need love and understanding.

It can start with me,

If we all tried to make a difference,

What a difference there would be!

If we all tried to make a difference,

What a difference there would be!

[Mr. Jonathan] You see, Jelly, you can make a difference!

[Jelly] I sure can! And so can all of my friends! With God’s help, even small things can make a big difference.

[Janitor] So you guys, you guys done now?

[Mr. Jonathan] Yeah. Yeah, I think we’re actually done.

[Janitor] Okay, cool.

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"You're Never Too Young to Make a Difference" by Mark Graham
Additional soundtrack from AudioBlocks

Rudy Rangel III

Rudy Rangel was born and raised in Granite City, Illinois. He attended Southern Illinois University to study mass communication, graduating in 2008 with a bachelor of science degree. He also trained as an electrician.

Rudy currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was hired by the United Church of God in 2009 and works as production supervisor at the home office.

Rudy loves music, reading, writing, film and volunteering at United Youth Camps. Out of all these things, his favorite thing to do is play with his daughter and son and spend time with his wife. He also loves pizza.

Jamie Schreiber

Jamie Schreiber works in the Media Department at the Home Office in Cincinnati. He studied Digital Video and Media Production in Minneapolis, MN.

Jonathan Magee

I am passionate about helping others grow. I love making people laugh and making movies! I am so thankful for my amazing family and to be a part of the media team here at UCG. I am a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University and ABC.


Jelly loves to sing and dance! His favorite animal is the Bottlenose dolphin and he has been known to devour an entire weeks worth of chicken fried chicken in one sitting. Join Jelly on his many adventures as he learns about God’s way of life.

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