A Boa Nova

Profile picture for user Aaron Booth

Aaron Booth is the Internet Manager for the United Church of God.  Aaron has worked in the Internet industry for the past 20+ years and has enjoyed seeing the Internet grow into a powerful and exciting tool of connecting people around the world. 

Aaron graduated from Ambassador University with an Associates Degree in Business Administration then continued his education at his hometown university - Purdue University. It was there while pursuing his degree in Leisure Studies/Recreation Management that he started working with the web and multi-media development tools. After graduation he continued working at Purdue and then moved to Indianapolis and worked with various web/multi-media companies.  After the downturn of the Internet industry in the early 2000's, Aaron relocated to the Cincinnati area and began working for the United Church of God in his current position. 

Aaron is passionate about finding and connecting content to helps other succeed in life.

9 minutos
O tema da mensagem do evangelho de Jesus Cristo eram as boas novas do Reino de Deus.
12 minutos
“Ide por todo o mundo, pregai o evangelho a toda criatura” (Marcos 16:15). “Portanto, ide, ensinai todas as nações . . . ensinando-as a guardar todas...
6 minutos
A Igreja de Deus é a família de Deus, composta de cristãos que são filhos de Deus Pai e são “irmãos” de Jesus Cristo (1 João 3:1-2, Hebreus 2:11-12...
17 minutos
“Não vos conformeis com este mundo, mas transformai-vos pela renovação do vosso entendimento, para que experimenteis qual seja a boa, agradável e...