Bible Questions and Answers

Bible answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about God, Jesus Christ, prophecy, the end time, the second coming, the Antichrist, God's plan and purpose for your life, salvation, grace, law, faith, creation, evolution, prayer, Bible study, relationships, living a Christian life and more!

We plan to add questions and answers regularly. In the meantime, if you don't see your Bible FAQ here, ask our team of caring, dedicated ministers for a personal answer. (Please allow a week or so for an e-mail response.)

A man walking on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Does God Have A Plan For My Life?

One of the top verses searched for on the Internet is Jeremiah 29:11. Why?
A man praying.

How Do Christians Make Intercessory Prayer?

Making intercessory prayer to God for others is a defining characteristic of a true Christian.
The reflection of a woman in a window.

How Can I Overcome My Anxiety Over What's Going on in the World?

God's Word can offer a great deal of comfort, strength and encouragement in the face of worrisome events. This "comfort" is not a form of blissful ignorance but rather is based on understanding.
Relics in glass case.

What Is the Deal With Relics and Saints?

Every form of idolatry seeks to make God small enough to be manageable and usable according to man’s imagination. But God cannot be reduced to serve us or to fit into our own designs.
A man sitting in hall with chairs looking at notes.

When Should I Go To Church?

In addition to being a day of rest from our regular work, the seventh day Sabbath is a day we are commanded to gather together for a “holy convocation.”
A sitting in a chair reading a Bible.

Should I Be Prepared for the Coming Apocalypse?

Surviving the coming time of tribulation will be a result of God’s providence, and our spiritual preparation and perseverance, not stockpiling physical supplies to somehow "outlast" the tribulation.
A big family gathering at the beach at sundown.

How Can I Create Meaningful Family Experiences?

One practical, useful tip for bringing those you love closer together.
A man sitting on a bench reading a Bible.

How Do I Balance Serving Those at Church With Maintaining My Own Spiritual and Emotional Health?

When you take care of your relationship with God first, you are in good shape to help others.
A group of adults talking.

What Does It Mean That "Iron Sharpens Iron"?

Does this proverb give cover to start heated theological debates?
Two men praying together.

What is Intercessory Prayer?

What do you think about when you pray? Are your prayers about the problems you are having? Or perhaps you pray to give thanks for the blessings God has granted you. Both of those are very common types of prayers...